Clients can now use a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, American Express, or Discover) to pay for counseling and psychotherapy sessions at both Fitzgerald Counseling offices. This includes copayments and coinsurance payments.
I’ve spent the past few days trying to socially connect our website, after reading a lot of articles about how important it is to be socially networked online. For a counseling practice, that presents some challenges.
The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) has issued a new definition of “Addiction” as of August, 2011. This definition stresses the neurobehavioral aspects of addictive disorders and essentially defines them as “brain diseases.”
Someone made a comment to me today that they guessed everyone I talk to must be pretty down about what’s going on in the world right now. I replied that no, actually, people have their own worries and troubles, for the most part. Some people who work in the financial sector are stressed about the… Continue Reading How not to let it bring you down
My very first post on this website was about what it can be like to make the decision to seek counseling. It’s a topic worth revisiting. Many people can make use of counseling even though they’re basically doing OK – they’re making progress in work or school, they have friends and relationships, and there are… Continue Reading The Decision to Seek Counseling
Joe Bageant, a man of great conscience and insight, as well as a wicked sense of humor, died March 27 after a battle with a particularly aggressive form of cancer. A note about it on his blog is here.
After I set up my website, I set out to try to make it visible to those who might be looking for counseling help. I settled on using a blog as my main website page, and making the “About the Therapist” page the home page. WordPress, which is the open source software I’m using, is… Continue Reading Comment Spam – Nuisance for Website Owners
Practicing as a psychologist or counselor takes different skills than teaching others to be psychologists or counselors. Most of the faculty members at the school where I teach were trained as practitioners, rather than scholars. But the same skills that make a good therapist usually also help in teaching others about counseling and psychology. You… Continue Reading The Ideal Psychology Professor
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, or what’s a heaven for?” — Robert Browning I’ve found that young adults – especially some of the young men I work with – who seek help with depression often have a lot of difficulty that involves feeling that they can’t achieve the things that they wish they could… Continue Reading Struggling for Significance
Alfred Adler’s Individual Psychology views human life in terms of social connectedness, and mental health in terms of how well we are meeting the tasks of life. Adler saw these tasks as falling into three main categories: Love and intimate relationships, friendships and social connections, and work. Adlerians view the task of work in terms… Continue Reading Work, Justice, and Social Responsibility