Make a Payment

Make a Payment to Dr. Fitzgerald (Square)

This page allows you to make a payment to Fitzgerald Counseling (using Square). Information about insurance panels, fees, employee assistance program use, and other financial topics for clients of the practice is on the “Finances” page.

Please note: This website does not save your credit card information – it is sent  in encrypted form directly to Square. No personal health information is sent. However, if you request a receipt,  your e-mail address or cell phone number may be transmitted unencrypted. If you believe that  this would cause problems (for example, if someone who may get access to your e-mail or phone should not know that you are seeking counseling), please do not request a receipt, or feel free to discuss the situation with Dr. Fitzgerald before making a payment through the website. By using the payment apps here, you are agreeing that you accept any privacy implications of using online payments and receipts, including issues that may reveal your use of mental health services.

Square Payment Direct Link


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