Welcoming a Family Therapy Colleague to Downtown Chicago
I would like to encourage you to visit the website of Meg Coyne, LCSW, and Coyne Counseling. Meg is an experienced and skilled couple and family therapist who trained at the program of the Chicago Center for Family Health, under renowned family therapist Froma Walsh, Ph.D. Coyne Counseling is located at 22 W. Washington, Floor 15, #78, Chicago, IL 60602. This is in the Block 37 building at State and Washington, and is convenient to most areas of the Loop. Meg accepts Blue Cross-Blue Shield insurance and has a sliding scale for those who do not have (or do not wish to use) insurance coverage. She has a training partnership with the Adler School of Professional Psychology, for which I am most appreciative.
Coyne Counseling’s website is www.coyne-counseling.com.
Meg has special interests in helping couples with issues of intimacy and sexual problems, child behavior and parenting, divorce, and co-parenting. She will be running a parenting education group in the near future, so please contact her if you are interested in learning more about the use of encouragement, and logical and natural consequences, in parenting both young children and teenagers.
Welcoming a Family Therapy Colleague to Downtown Chicago by Fitzgerald Counseling is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.