Adler Child Guidance Center Parenting Trainer Workshop

Posted in : Colleagues, Community Shout-Outs, Mental Health Topics on by : Paul J. Fitzgerald , freemiumfreemium Comments: 1

On February 24th and 25th, the Child Guidance Center of Adler School of Professional Psychology will be hosting a Positive Discipline program, Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline Way, at the Adler School of Professional Psychology.  This program is based on the parenting principles first formulated by Alfred Adler and brought to the Chicago community by Rudolf Dreikurs. The presenter is Dina Emser, M.A., an instructor at the Adler School who has experience teaching parenting courses to parents and professionals.

While the program is directed to those who would like to provide parent education, it is directly relevant to anyone who works with children This is a great opportunity for personal and professional development, and is open to professional counselors, social workers, teachers, students, and interested parents.

At the end of the workshop, you will receive Positive Discipline certification as a parent educator. This is a terrific professional opportunity for counselors, therapists, and agency staff members; and the certification will be useful for private practitioners, enabling them to offer parent training groups.

Adlerian parenting is based on the idea that children need encouragement, and want to belong and feel significant. It teaches parents to understand the mistaken goals of child and adolescent misbehavior, and to use logical and natural consequences, rather than praise or punishment, to respond to misbehavior.

You can register by going to the Positive Discipline website, More information is available at the website.

CC BY-ND 4.0 Adler Child Guidance Center Parenting Trainer Workshop by Fitzgerald Counseling is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.